Project: LetsGetHired

LetsGetHired is a desktop application designed to assist you in efficiently tracking and managing your internship applications and their progress.

In addition to these capabilities, we recognize the importance of speed and efficiency. Thus, LetsGetHired is optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI), but you still enjoy the advantages of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you are a swift typist, LetsGetHired can streamline your internship tracking faster than many standard GUI-based tools available.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • New Features:

    • Created the SelectView panel in the UI. #58 and #105

      • What it does: Displays a larger panel beside the InternApplicationListView that serves to display all the details of the intern application.
      • Justification: It is our intention to allow users to as many notes as they want on an intern application. The InternApplicationListCard alone is not large enough to display all the information in a neat and easy to read manner. Hence, a larger panel in the UI is needed.
      • Highlights: The panel is made with a table from a GridPane in which each table cell will house specific data so that we can display text in a neat and text-aligned manner.
    • Display data encapsulated in InternApplication onto SelectView #58

      • What it does: Displays the data of an InternshipApplication onto the SelectView.
      • Justification: Important for users to be able to accurately see the important information of the InternApplication in the SelectView
      • Highlights: Main logic behind this implementation is the creation of SelectView#displayDetails(InternApplication i) which extracts the value of each field and displays them into the corresponding TextField or TextArea. The function is then triggered whenever a command is executed in MainWindow#executeCommand(String commandText)
    • Display InternApplication details by selecting or clicking the card in the InternApplicationListPanel #58 and #105 and #174

      • What it does: Displays the data of an InternshipApplication onto the SelectView when the card is selected with a mouseclick or arrow button.
      • Justification: Give users the option of using the mouse and arrow keys instead.
      • Highlights: Sets a listener function in the ListView which calls the appropriate functions whenever a change in list cell selection occurs
  • Enhancements to existing features:

    • Enhanced notes feature implemented to allow for multiple notes rather than single note #103
      • What it does: Allows each individual InternApplication to encapsulate a list of notes
      • Justification: Allow users to add as many notes as they want on each entry, rather than being limited to one single note per entry.
      • Highlights: The InternApplication class will hold a List<Note of instead of Note. Subsequently, the note field in the json is also modified to hold an array of strings.
  • Code contributed:

  • Documentation:

    • User Guide:
      • Added the Delete section
      • Updated the Note section in lieu of multiple notes feature
    • Developer Guide:
      • Updated the Note section in lieu of multiple notes feature #170
      • Added the SelectView UI Implementation section #87
      • Added the Sort Default Order section in Appendix #215
      • Added the Edit Notes section in Appendix #215
      • Added the Meaningful Sort Status section in Appendix #215
  • Community: